Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inarguration and BDS

Today was a historic day, Barrack Hussein Obama
was hailed by thousands of 'Obamagasms' while George W. Bush was
shunned by people suffering from BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.

while Bush was making his final circle around D.C., not only did the
crowds sing 'nah nah nah na' as Bush passed by, he was also,
collectively, given the middle finger as he passed by at one point.

i'll admit that Bush's popularity has not been the best ever, in fact
right now it's hovering around Jimmy Carter's when he left office, but
you don't do this to a man who just lost his job (and someone who may
or may not have illegally bought his way into office as well).

On Wikipedia, BDS is defined as:
"the acute onset of paranoia
in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency
— nay — the very existence of George W. Bush"

No, i'm not happy about this, but when our Terrorist friends in Afganistan and Iran, look at this, i expect something akin to the Obamagasms. perhaps another round of gunpowder and nitro into Israel would have the same effect.

Now i'm sorry that i haven't said anything reccently, but i'm back and i'll be ready to post weekly, if not more-so.

1 comment:

  1. You must be a millionaire if you love Bush so much. Are you a defense contractor perhaps? Maybe you are the devil himself and happy to have had him serve you. No, you are just an ill informed, wet behind the ears moppet. Turn off the Fox News and wake up and smell the bacon and I am not talking about the strips in your underpants.
