Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers | 44 | washingtonpost.com
Ok, Below i have looked at the roots of many of our five in-person questioners and then disected the question and Obama's answer. ok, please leave a comment for me about this later, i'd appreciate some feedback that isn't fan-mail
As everyone knows, Thursday's Town Hall Questioners were his allies and friends. And all of the questions he was asked were quite soft and indirect. I've addressed my concerns with each and every one of in person questioners, so i'll allow you to make judgement

Ok, Below i have looked at the roots of many of our five in-person questioners and then disected the question and Obama's answer. ok, please leave a comment for me about this later, i'd appreciate some feedback that isn't fan-mail
- Sergio Salmero
Salmeron became engaged with the Obama campaign early in 2008, writing on his blog at my.barackobama.com
This guy is obviously a Barak Supporter, it is unacceptable to pack people who'd give him either questions he'd expect or questions he'd be happy to dance around. However, he asked a health care question:I want to find out about health care. In a society, a lot of times we have to step back and ask ourselves if what we're doing in principle, not in practice, is right. And so when we think about health care, I want to know from you if the things like preexisting conditions and preventive medicine, if they are a symptom of what's going on in our health care system, then what is the problem and how do you address it?
Here's the important part (skiping the sob story of his mother's cancer) of Obama's answer:So this is why any reform of the health care system I think has to address this issue, and to say we are going to allow anybody to get health insurance. And if you've got a preexisting condition you're not going to be excluded but you're going to be able to obtain health insurance. And if you can't obtain it through a private plan then there is going to a public plan that is available in some way to give you insurance, or insurers are obligated to provide you with insurance in some way.
Obama hit a point that i personally think is a good idea, which is making (at least partially), the part where eliminating pre-condition arguments. I'd propose something close to a compromise, as genetic cancers, and other genetic conditions are immune to the . and to prevent other problems is that everyone is required to o through a series of tests for any dormant conditions within 2 months of getting insurance. But my point is that it's better to keep it private, rather than force all these firms out of buisness. For the Health Care Industry, which is (mostly) corrupt, put some modest regulations which are needed in our society, as long as we don't get as bad as europe, we're fine.
Now that's a principle. What are the details of how we're going to do that? There are a lot of different approaches.
We have seen some progress with the insurance companies where they have said, we are willing to take everybody in, but only if everybody is required to be in. That's the position that they're taking right now. So the idea is you combine a rule that eliminates preexisting condition exclusions with mandatory health insurance, just like auto insurance is mandatory. That's a proposal they've put forward.
Now, that's progress in the sense that they've acknowledged that this preexisting condition situation is a real problem. Whether that ends up being the best mechanism -- during the campaign, I was skeptical of mandates only because my attitude was the reason people don't have health insurance is not because they don't want it, it's because they can't afford it. And if we drive down cost, then people will have it. - Tom Sawner (you gotta be kidding me, is acorn the one responsible for this guy? well i guess not)
According to Federal Election Commission records, Sawner made a $250 donation to Obama's campaign on Oct. 27, 2008
Sawner's no stranger to the White House, either; he attended President Bush's Feb. 2008 signing ceremony for that year's economic stimulus package -- another Chamber of Commerce invite. And in April 2008, he even became an anecdote in one of Bush's speeches.
Ok, this one seems to be an acceptable person there, even if he is a supporter of Barrack, he seems down to earth, he is a vet. after all. and his question is a respectable and obviously controversial one, he asked the president:could you please help small businesses by allowing, some way, somehow, money we pay to the bank in principle to not count against our income, and put us in the "richest" before we ever seem a dime, and allow us to invest in this huge engine to drive economic recovery?
A perfectly understandable (if troubled) question, with a perfectly unclear answer. How are you supposed to tax people who may or may not re-invest into their business. Obama took this question up and said he'd try to fix it, but that would only complicate the tax code. the easiest way to make sure he gets taxed less ('cause that is what would happen) is to raise the tax code's definition of 'richest' above a one million a year, rather than lower it to below half of a million a year, putting many small business owners out of that $250 grand cap that Obama has placed on people. Obama put himself into a corner by accepting this question, he either has to keep a promise that got him elected, or choose the lesser of two evils (according to him and his ideology, it's an evil) and choose the economy over his idiotic promises. Obama announced that in his budget (the pig that is likely to be butchered by the congressional democrats) has a capital gains tax elimination (why would you put that in a budget? A budget is what you spend on not what you put a tax cut into, you put tax policies into bills to be passed by senate (the stimulus act should have also been put into many different pieces)
(white house transcript) - Carlos Del Toro
In 2007, Del Toro stood as a Democratic candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, but did not win. A supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic presidential primaries, he backed Obama against McCain in the general, endorsing him in an Oct. 24, 2008 op-ed in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star.
This guy is a Vet who isn't acceptable, as he has ties to many people he shouldn't have, giving him a special privilege over many other peopleIn 2008, he donated $2,750 to Virginia Democratic candidates for office, according to the Center for Responsive Politics; in 2006, he gave $1000 to the campaign of now Sen. Jim Webb (Va.), FEC records show.
He also has ties to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Small Business Council.
Anyways, ignoring the qualifications, his question followsMy question is, one of the things that I have experienced over the last four years as a small business trying to do business in the federal procurement business, essentially, as a small engineering company, is the challenge of the bundling of contracts, which has made it increasingly difficult for service-disabled businesses -- all small businesses across the nation -- to compete basically within the federal procurement system. I know that you believe in fair and open competition on a broad basis. I would suggest to you, and my question to you is, will your administration look at this issue and try to unbundle these contracts that make it more competitive for small businesses to work in the federal marketplace?
This is where Obama's answer scares me... He almost says that any bid that the government is going to do is going to be divvied up and anybody has a products will be able to. If this includes government contractors for the defence sector, we're going to have a lot of problems in our military soon, even though we're going to be modernizing our armed forces to include technology savvy things like robots and special forces computers must be made by the same company to prevent software bugs and problems in the communication. - Linda Bock
Bock, along with her chapter of the SEIU and her son and daughter, helped campaign and canvass for Obama, she said. After Obama was elected, she wrote in the Landover, Md., 1199 SEIU nurses' newsletter: "Now we have our work cut out for us -to hold our elected officials accountable. And I hope they hold us accountable too. We all have work to do to make the changes needed to restore our reputation, to heal the wounds of war, to repair our earth and regulate its resources; and, to secure our economic future. It will take sacrifice and service. It will take prayer and the grace of God. Now we have hope. We have President-elect Barack Obama. God bless America."
I'm not sure what t say about this one, she doesn't have any outstanding good qualities, nor does she have anything hue against her. her question, wasn't one, i saw no way that could have been a question, all she said was that she HOPES that they can say that not every bruise is worth an E-room treatment. she's probably one of the women who'd mouth 'i love you' in the background at a speech. She isn't even worth the block quote for he 'question'. Obama's response basically said, nurses are in short supply, and that nurses are always going to be part of the process. - Bonnee L. Breese
Breese has not donated a reportable amount to Obama, according to the FEC. She is a member of the 11,626-person Pennsylvania for Obama page on Facebook.
This teacher is different from the other supporters, there is no record as to weather she had any part in being an Obama supporter, except on facebook (why do teachers have a facebook anyways? aren't they supposed to be unsocial anyways?) her question is as follows:Definitions of charter schools and definitions of effective teachers -- how do you plan to define those two categories? And are you willing to have teachers on the platform, in the committees, as a part of developing those plans?
Is this a question? i mean all she asked was to define and if teachers can be part of the planning. Obama's answer was that schools across the country are experimenting on our children (ok, YOUR children)! Oama adresses the problem, which is that the curiculum in many public schools is not to give students intrest in the areas everyone needs to be versed in, (math, science, history, ect.) but that it's all based on grades. That is one thing that the president can't do, and the Teacher's Union needs to loosen it's grip on it's teachers, to allow teachers to be good teachers, and to make them spark intrest into their student's studies, rather than give grades out, bring back the museaum trips! (my high school basicly outlawed all out-of-school trips, making school even more dreary than it already was)
As everyone knows, Thursday's Town Hall Questioners were his allies and friends. And all of the questions he was asked were quite soft and indirect. I've addressed my concerns with each and every one of in person questioners, so i'll allow you to make judgement
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